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Inspiring Change Through Ideas




Interview with G. Dimitropoulos, analysing the magic of lake Ersis. 

What inspired you to create this video? What is the main message of the story?

My latest film “Ersis” is a short cinematic documentary film dedicated to the splendour and beauty of nature and the importance of a harmonious symbiotic relationship between Humans and Nature as described and told by ancient myths and legends. A clear reminder and wake up call that we can live in balance with nature just like our ancestors did for thousands of years.


What attracted you to Plastira Lake and inspired you to shoot the film?

The film is part of a documentary series focusing on biodiversity and the symbiotic relationship between humans and nature. I believe it is very important to be able to learn by studying our history and improving our choices as a human species. Humans have believed in celestial deities since the beginning. They were part of our lives, they still are. And they live amongst us, embracing the divine. And they live between the world of humans and the ethereal world of gods. One of them is “Ersi”, the deity of the morning frozen dew. She has been living in mountainous Greece for thousands of years, and her presence there reminds us of the beauty of nature and the prominence of life. Every morning “Ersi” dresses the lake in a misty veil. Every morning the deity of the frozen dew reminds us of the great technological advances that improved and changed life as we know it.

Interview with G. Dimitropoulos, analysing Melissanthe. 

What is the film “Melissanthe” about?
The film tells the story of the ancient Greek nymph Melissanthe and her unmatched love for nature, the flowers and the bees. With this cinematic poem, we travel through time, learn, feel, experience the wisdom of ancient times, and are reminded that in all things of nature.. even with the smallest of the living creatures.. there is something of the marvellous. The allegories between the past and the present are ever relevant and powerful. The myth of “Melissanthe” is an inspired symbolism of true love, destiny, and harmonious coexistence between all living things. The film was shot entirely on the beautiful island of Kefalonia, raising awareness of our planet’s extraordinary biodiversity and the need for its protection. It is a cinematic documentary dedicated to the majesty and beauty of nature as told to us by ancient myths and legends, reminding us that we can live in harmony with nature just as our ancestors did for thousands of years.

What was the inspiration for the film?
I'm particularly drawn to cinematic poetry based on ancient mythology and story-telling. There is something beautiful and elegant in experimenting with allegorical concepts, exciting the audience, and provoking creative thinking without preaching to the viewer, keeping them engaged and inspiring them to realize their own conclusions in their own way. The audience has indeed a very special relationship with the documentary form, and it is that challenge of keeping the right balance between documenting stories, and events, educating, inspiring and entertaining that empowers me as a filmmaker.

The most awe-inspiring images from documentaries on Gower that are winning awards all over the world

The director has made a series of documentaries under the title Gwyr (Welsh for Gower)  in which the stunning location of the Swansea peninsula is the star.

For Georgios, the project has spanned more than three years of his life, and has netted him 11 international film awards and nominations for Best Documentary at 33 international film festivals.


Each film in the quadrilogy looks at a different aspect - from the beautiful views, to the amazing characters that populate the area, or simply love it, to an historical look at Gower and finally a glimpse at some of the fables or stories attached to the area.

The films last just 10 to 12 minutes each, but Georgios and his team have also created a 45-minute film by editing the documentaries together.


One of the stars of the films is Vincent De Paul, an Emmy award-winning actor who has featured in films, ranging from Poseidon to Hitch and Hairspray.


Now Georgios plans to show the films to the local community. He said: "It would be lovely to have the film shown to the local community. They have already embraced our project, but it would be lovely if more people had the opportunity to watch the films. Maybe they will see Gower from a different perspective, and that's what documentary film making is all about."



Insights on the Power of Storytelling

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